Factors in creating a reading mindset


  • Middle school students have strong preferences for personal reading choice; interest is a primary factor in engagement.
  • The way to hook kids on reading is to let them read things that interest them.


  • The chance to read builds competence and the belief that “I can do it”
  • This leads to motivation for more sophisticated reading later


  • The decision to read or not read is based on availability of self-selected materials.
  • is enhanced with Book Talks and read alouds – you provide exposure and broaden their knowledge of genres and author

Quantity of materials

  • Having a sheer quantity of reading is an important factor in literacy development

Light Reading

  • Short, easy, trendy appeal may be essential for engagement
  • Even light reading materials promote fluent reading and vocabulary development.
  • .Including graphic novels, World Record books, How To Books…

Self-Selected Reading

  • Researchers describe the importance of self-selected reading in improving students’ reading attitudes and achievement.
  • Motivates them beyond surface processing
  • And for struggling readers, SSR/MR time helps balance the success of self-selected reading with the challenge of instructional materials
  • Reading opportunity has to be regular with frequency and something they can count on… uninterrupted reading time


I cannot emphasize enough the importance of consistency, routine, uninterrupted reading to build stamina


Creating a reading mindset in the middle school reader